Tag Archives: JunkScience

Global coolin… no; ozone laye… no; global warmin… no; climate change!

If we made fractionating columns based on science with the quality of the environmentalists’ religion-of-the year “research,” we’d still be using whale oil for light and travel in coal-fired trains and ships:

Hansen underestimated the amount of CO2 that would be released into the atmosphere by 66%, but overestimated the warming that would result by 150%.  His “Scenario C” shown here (the one which almost maps to the actual recorded temperatures) assumed that there would be no increase in CO2 at all after 2000 —Borepatch: Politicized science.

Despite being proved wrong every single time, environmentalists encroach further and further into our freedoms with less and less oversight by the establishment media or real scientists. The power of science is that it can be used to predict and control Nature for human purposes. Because of that power, science gets special respect in Western Civilization, as the basis for our technological superiority.

When pseudoscience gets the same respect as real science, soon science loses to politics. And that’s what environmentalism has done: turn the institutions formerly of science against real science and use them to support political goals that undermine our civilization. It also uses political power to silence its critics, contrary to real science, which evolves by always questioning the status quo. Hence the saying the tragedy of science is the murder of beautiful theories by ugly facts.

Soon Steve Milloy will be sentenced to house arrest, but only after he recants his climate change denial — under threat of interrogation with harsh methods followed by burning at the stake.